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Factors That Affect the Flavour of Your Coffee

Avatar Posted on: 2013-02-10 12:00 AM
There's nothing better than a great cup of coffee first thing in the morning. You might think that buying the best coffee beans will guarantee you an excellent cup of jo, but there are many other factors that go into brewing a good cup. If you regularly purchase beans from a location with one of the best coffee beans reviews, it's worth your while to learn about a few of the factors that affect the taste of coffee beans so you can do your part in preserving their delicious flavour.

Clean Equipment

Coffee beans contain natural tannins that contribute toward flavour. When coffee residue is left behind on your brewing equipment, it leaves an oil-based film. Aside from being unsightly, this residue affects the flavour of your coffee. Even the best of beans have tannins and will leave residue. Clean your coffee brewing equipment after each use to ensure you're starting off with a clean slate for optimum flavour each time.

Buy Fresh

The whole coffee beans sitting on the shelf at your grocery store are not likely to be fresh. Fresh beans are vital to a great-tasting cup of coffee. Purchase fresh beans from a local roaster who sells them within a week of roasting. After that, the beans become stale and the flavour is affected. Coffee shops that display whole beans in open containers might have a delicious smell wafting through the store, but their beans will go stale much faster.


For the best coffee beans it's important to buy from a roaster who keeps them in airtight containers. Once you've brought your beans home, you need to do the same thing, too. As long as you grind and brew them within two weeks of roasting, it's fine to store your beans in the pantry.

Water Quality

The quality of the water used to brew your coffee has a direct effect on the flavour your beans are able to produce. If you wouldn't drink your water straight from the tap, don't use it to brew your coffee either. Use fresh water that hasn't been sitting for too long or heated, and then allowed to cool. Some people make the mistake of thinking distilled water will make a better cup of coffee, but distilled water is missing minerals that contribute toward the flavour of the coffee after its brewed.

If you've invested time in combing the best coffee beans reviews, heed these tips to reap the fruits of your labor and enjoy flavourful coffee, cup after cup.


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