Find Me Coffee
Coffee Shops and Cafes

FindMeCoffee helps customers find YOU!

Find Me Coffee is the definitive search engine for local coffee shops.

We have currently complied a database of every coffee shop in the world and we have published every coffee shop in North America.

Find Me Coffee exists as a website, a Mobile website and an APP for Android, iPhone and very shortly BlackBerry and Windows.

Option 1. Free Coffee Shop Listing

Coffee shop owners take advantage of our free listing. With the free listing you can update your hours of operation, your amenities and provide a description of what makes you special. Our visitors are often looking for specific details such as your Wifi availability or Parking. It will make a difference to people looking to find you.

With our Basic listing you will be able to:
  • Update your profile
  • Read and Respond to Reviews
  • Free FindMeCoffee Window Cling with QR code linking to your page
  • Free basic reporting of web/mobile traffic to your page (detailed reporting available with paid Spotlight listing - see below)

Window Cling

(Actual sizing - 8.5 x 5.5 inches)

In this package you will find your window cling it is unique to your location. The QR Code in the middle will bring visitors right to your listing on our mobile APP. We think that this will help spread the word about how great you are. This should be placed on the inside of your windows probably near the main entrance.

Option 2. Paid Spotlight Listing

Should you wish to have a greater presence on we have put together some tools that will make you stand out when people are looking for Local Coffee Shops.

What you get

For only $8.25 a month your listing will pop off the search results with enhanced graphics and colors. You will also have access many great features.

  • Link to your Website
  • Link to Youtube Videos
  • Create and Share an Image Gallery
  • Local Coffee Offers
  • Respond to Review

  • Detailed reporting on the web traffic to your page.

Local Offers

Included in the Spotlight listing is the ability to share local offers and coupons to visitors who are looking for coffee right now.

The Deals Icon will show in your listing

Any Deals you have running will be listed under the
'Current Promotions' section at the end of your detail listing

The offer page for your deal

When someone opens FindMeCoffee from their phone they are most likely looking to buy coffee right now.

Local Coffee Offers will share your coupons, promotions and deals with consumers while they are trying to make the decision which coffee shop to visit.

Get 20 free coupons with your sign up to our Spotlight listing. (Additional coupons available for 10 cents each in quantities of 50.)

With Us

With more than 50,000,000 searches for coffee shops every month you can't afford not to be on
Learn More
every coffee shop
in the world