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Find Me Coffee Blog

Seasons Greetings

Avatar Posted on: 2014-12-24 12:00 AM
Seasons Greeting from FindMeCoffee
The big news story that will affect the coffee industry is the merger between Tim Hortons and Burger King.  The merger was given approval by the Canadian government this year and will see Burger King move it's corporate structure from the United States to Canada.  While there are tax benefits to Burger King we expect that there will be a new major player in the coffee space in 2015.  Adding the combined buying power of two very large coffee buyers could give them maneuvering room in 2015. We expect lots of promotions and offers from both companies in this space.

Continued Tech of Starbucks I think will make a big difference.  Their continued entry into the digital wallet space creates a convenience that is unbeatable. Of the major brands here we see Starbucks as the only company that understands the new economy.  The cashless convenience that they provide is an unmistakable competitive advantage. I for one never have cash on me but my Starbucks card is like the loose change from the console of our cars in the 80's and 90's.  There always seems to be enough there for my tall Cafe Americano.


We would like to thank our loyal fans for helping us reach our goal of 250,000 downloads.  You guys out there visit use our Apps or visit our site 1 million times a month.  We have been listening to your requests and this is what we have coming up in 2015.
  • Uploading Images we have lots of you who want to share your favorite coffee images with us.
  • Soon you will be able to read our blog and get up to date product information from our Apps.
  • For Coffee retailers we will be rolling out our Ecommerce platform to let you sell coffee, products, and services through our App

Product of the Year Awards

Watch for the 2014 Product of the Year awards to come in the first week of the New Year.
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