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The Chosen Bean

2955 NW 27th St Oakland Park, FL 33311
Oakland Park, Florida
FL 33-311
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About a decade ago Moshe Ruza began roasting coffee in his backyard. That's when he became a man obsessed with his hobby and the idea of The Chosen Bean was created When Mendy Dalfin moved three doors down, they knew it was fate. By 2014 they were ready to take their love for coffee to the next level. Together they decided to take the coffee world by storm. What separates us from other coffee companies is not only our attention to detail but our determination to find unique flavors from small coffee growers around the globe. We choose our beans after scouring the earth for the freshest, tastiest, organic, fair trade beans. Then we roast countless samples before we select The Chosen bean. See our website for our current selection of coffees as they change frequently.


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